Our Story
Inspired by the “shop local” movement, the top rep agencies in the gift industry got together to champion “Reps are Local Too”, a movement emphasizing the value and significance of ordering from your local sales representative. This movement transcends individual interests, bringing together rep agencies from across the country.
Built on trust and extensive expertise that can’t be found elsewhere, local sales reps lighten the buyer's load! They can place orders, check on orders. provide product availability, take inventories, identify best sellers, assist with merchandising, help train store staff, follow up on credit issues and negotiate special terms. Local reps are local too and are invested in the community and the surrounding towns.

Why work with your local rep?
My rep consistently keeps me informed of emerging trends, bestsellers and items she thinks will do well for my stores. She makes reordering easy. I trust her to craft an order for me based on previous orders and fill in gaps in my product mix. She’s also always responsive and available to help me whenever I have a need.
Reps act as business consultants for my retail establishment. They take the time to learn about the store and our area so they can make the best recommendations. They keep up with trends, help us navigate the product lines efficiently as they know their brands well, are highly organized and work hard for my buyers.
Because local reps visit me in person, they have a more intimate knowledge of who we are and what we need. They guide me to products with great margins that sell well to my store's specific customer base. The trusting relationship created has been invaluable to the success of my business.